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Rev. Harold & Sheri Butler are third generation pentecostals who have spent the last 32 years leading worship in two different churches. Pastor Harold is an ordained minister of the gospel with a degree in music. After spending 23 years at our last ministry in the church bringing diverse worship, drama, dance and banner worship back to the body, we felt it was time to move outside the walls and attempt to bring diverse groups of worshipers together focusing on corporate worship, praying for each other, our region, our local churches, our governemnt and Israel.



We at Forerunner Worship Ministries have been set in motion to bring the regional house of God together in melodic and harmonious united worship in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24)  For too long the body of Christ has been sitting, satisfied with the status quo in worship. Trying to satisfy our hunger with high quality sound and excellence in presentation, but the Lord is looking for so much more. It's time to tear down the walls of our differences and step out of comfortable entertainment based music within our fellowships and begin shaking the Heavenlies with Holy Spirit led and empowered worship together as the united bride of Christ.

This will be done through singing, dancing, banner worship, the prophetic word and divine healing.

It is the sound of Christ beckoning His Bride. He is transforming and adorning us to reign with Him. That which He speaks we must receive and declare in power and authority as sons and daughters of the King. His word is living, powerful and surely is sharper than any two edged sword. His word is the foundation of prophetic worship that we bring to the Body. It is not only a word in due season but a song of declaration that releases a "New Sound" propelling us forward and upward in the realms of the spirit. It is the liberty and freedom of the Spirit being restored to the Church!  


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